Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Boy, we have been gone fishing for a very long time.
Not really, but it would have been fun. No, life has been a little busy since school started this year.
We have been homeschooling Brigham to avoid the turmoil that we dealt with during his Kindergarten year. What kid doesn't like kindergarten? Oh, I know, Brigham. Poor thing. He is very happy to stay home and have his mommy teach him and to play with his baby brother though.

He has been working on losing teeth, his two front teeth are gone. His brother thinks that he can pull his out too. He is still working on growing them though. Two years and still doesn't have all of the front ones. What a little slowpoke.

Gabe has been playing LaCrosse for two months for the Willow Creek Middle School. A nice short season but packed with practices and games. Even though they were a new teem they made it to the playoffs. He had a blast being a part of something so cool! John was really stoked too, cause he didn't play any school sports after the 7th grade. He always wished he had.
Gabe was number 18, one of the bigger kids on the teem. YooHoo!!

We got to go to Idaho for a our neice's wedding this last month. Gabe was on a river rafting trip with his dad, so we had some shots with just me, John, Brig and Luke. I just liked how we looked. We will have to get some with Gabe. But this is how it would have been if I had met John first. I know I shouldn't talk like that. I wouldn't trade anything for my Gabe. He is a gentle giant. We missed him this weekend. Very glad that he didn't drowned.

Now for some Halloween Fun!!

We carved our pumpkins the night before Halloween, which proved to be smart. They were beautiful on our porch Halloween night, we got many compliments from trick-or-treaters. Two days later they were all shriveled and falling apart. Moms was the one on the left, Brigs was the Dragon, Dads was in the middle, then Lukes second in from right, and Gabes on the right, the biggest. Everyone carved there own except Luke, he just got to pop the pieces out.

Gabe was the first in costume because he had to go to school. We had to set his hair in pink sponge rollers overnight, he wasn't thrilled about sleeping in them, but did o.k. We colored his hair a reddish color, because he was NACHO LIBRE! He had the accent and the moves, what a silly guy he is. He literally studied the movie. I wish that he would study other things as intently. His work was worth it though, he had a ball making his teachers crack up at school. Hee, Hee

The rest of the day was spent, playing around. Brig became Flame boy, from fantastic 4. Jacob let him borrow his costume. I was gratefull, cause I am getting bored of the ninja thing every year. All though he did don his ninja costume the day before and the entire week after Halloween day. Even yesterday I was threatening to put it away for the rest of the year.
Luke was a puppy dog. He didn't really care what he was just as long as he got to be in on the fun. TJ was Superman, and Kari was a 70's mom, we got to help her with her cool hairdo, isn't she awsome!

I was just shocked when John came home looking like the dead with a creature growing out of his shoulder, I didn't even have to try.

We then galavanted to Orem to meet with the Wartena clan and share our new looks. Kari was there with her little heroes and the Bahrs showed up with their princess. We are sorry that we didn't get to meet up with anyone else, but the evening was full of more galavanting, of which I will no longer rant about.
Happy Halloween until next year. May our teeth not rot out of our heads from all the candy.