Sunday, May 29, 2011

May has been an eventful month. Brigham kicked things off by turning 10, Yeah! He got just what he wanted, the SLITHER, WooHoo!

He earned his Bear and is now in the Weeblo Den. His leaders are awesome, he is going to have a great year in scouts.
We found out that we are pregnant? The boys are very excited. John is happy. I am so sick that I don't appreciate it yet. Gabe will be 17 years older than this one. Holy What?!*?#?!
Gabriel turned 17 the day after UCAS let out for the summer. He did well this year, he doesn't have to retake any classes, woohoo!He chose JCW's for his B-day lunch. It was soooooo good! Best onion rings in town!
He finished his meal in about 5 minutes. Good thing he brought a game to play while we finished our food.He got exactly what he wanted too! Teenagers, they are so easy to shop for.
Luke has grown too tall for all his pants, so he is skinnier than ever now. He has some mad skills on Wii sports now. He is just growing fast, trying to catch up to his big brothers.
John has been working hard on the attic, gotta get a room done before we add another little body to our home. And now, we get on with summer, hope the weather gets warm soon.