Monday, January 15, 2007

Well, here we go. Gonna try this blog thing. Sorry to everyone about not getting any holiday pictures out. We attempted taking some and got a few good shots before Luke was in fits. Then we never got around to sending them out. So you all can see them here.

We are so glad that the Holiday season is over. We are finally getting well, after being sick of this or that and the other thing since Thanksgiving.

Happy New Year Everyone!

1 comment:

McMullin Mugs said...

Hey there, Wonderful pictures. Great hockey review you gave. It makes me want to go with you guys the next time. Brig is a marvelous person. Fighting is not good... except you really do look for a good one at a hockey game. You see we have a blog now also. If I can figure out how to put the pictures on it will be worth visiting.. I hope! We will come see you soon. Love Mom & Doug