Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thursday the 22nd was the end of my life as I knew it. I am now confined to my bed till monday. I had surgery to replace my ACL (anterior cruciate ligament)
Right now, I am thinking that they should come up with some better pain relievers. I guess I am on something pretty strong, but it never really relieves the pain all the way.
I can not believe how horrible this is. I would much rather have gone through natural childbirth again.
Karina was so kind to take Luke for 2 days. Today he spent a lot of time in bed with me, with his little cold and netflix movies. Mom was super helpful as well, she sat at the hospital with me while John went to parent teacher conferences with Gabe and she also came over and sat with us while John went to the BYU/TCU game tonight. (That was worth it. Ha Ha) Poor BYU, poor John, poor me and poor mom. Luke is asleep in the picture above. No wonder I smiled.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I love to read all of my families blogs! But everytime I look at mine there is nothing new. I wish someone would update mine for me.
It has gotten cold since the last time I blogged. Not surprising.

We decided to put Brig in public school this year. So far he is loving 3rd grade. It helps that his whole primary class is in his school class. He is a great student, his teacher is a Grandma who decided after her kids were all gone that she would go back to school and become a teacher like she always wanted. It really is never too late.

Gabe is going to UCAS, Utah County Academy of Science. It is a fancy name for a Charter School. But it is a fancy charter school, run out of a trailer. He is getting his high school diploma and working on his Associates degree at the same time.
He likes the school, he hates History class. I can sympothise with that. Never was my favorite subject.
He is still taking Tae Kwon Do, against his will, mostly. I told him last week that he had to keep at it until he is a black belt. At least once a week he has to get up and do something besides sit at the computer doing homework.
He gets to ride the UTA Bus to school which is in Orem, right next to UVU. He has a UVU ID badge and bus pass. He has learned to take a wallet every where he goes now. What a grown up thing to do. His favorite thing to do is walk over to the UVU caffeteria and get a hamburger for lunch. I think he would give his life for a hamburger. I pick him up at least 3 days out of the week and he is always hanging out with the girls when we get there. I rarely catch him talking to his "best friend". Gotta keep an eye on this guy.

Luke is now a big 4 year old. You will be glad to hear that he is now Binky free, Yeah!!!! We were trying to ease him off of it, like we did the bottles. No good. We had to make him quit cold turkey. He wanted a certain toy that was too much money for someone his age, but he agreed to cut up all his pacifiers and throw them in the outside garbage, so we got him the toy. It has been 6 days now, and he has asked a few times, only when he is tired. But he gets over it pretty quickly.